Saturday, October 1, 2011

First fight as fiancee.

Okay, so i'm a big and spoiled girl. I used to get what i want (after i worked for it), but when i'm not, i get really frustrated and start lashing out on the people that cares for me. Mula dengan silly fight, ask him out, and as usual, he's busy., Ayat dia "busy cari duit la, kan nak kawen", and ayat aku plak " jangan nak guna alasan tu, sapa nak kawen??" everyday same problemo. sampai la satu masa aku rasa dia saja elak msg aku sbb .. well, to avoid arguing ler. He's cool, and i'm like raging fire you know, aahhh... the wonders of opposite attraction.

At last he just drop the bomb, usually dia akan play along with my attitude, but that night he just said "i'm off to sleep, this is tiring" and he was gone. ok, mode merajuk pun bermula. for 3 days i ignore him konon nak teach him a lesson, but unfortunately, he's also teaching me a lesson. selalu kalau salah dia n i just ignore him, dia mesti akan msg tanya is there anything wrong.

I waited but, hmmm dia tak msg pun. 3 hari tau, mana tahan.. =(

On the third night, texted him saying "Hi". And he was like "i talking to u" well... sedih, tapi ego. so aku pun cakap nak pulangkan cincin and blablabla, malu nak ceta because it is so childish.

Today, we were a "perfect couple" once again. Aku terharu sangat tadi dia tiba2 mintak maaf. Dia cakap dia rindu sangat kat aku and how he felt selt thinking of me.

It's ok baby. Dia tanya aku marah tak kat dia, and aku cakap, aku mana boleh marah dia. I just cant. Frustrated but not mad. Dia cerita macamana kawan dia gaduh ngan tunang and diorg memang maki2. Dia cakap dia tak pernah maki aku, dari kami berkawan, bercinta and bertunang. Dia kata dia jadi geram bila dengar laki tu cakap ngan tunang dia macamtu.

Well it is true, he is the most patient man i ever know. Tak pernah sekali pun tinggi kan suara kat aku, tapi dalam lembut dia tu ada ketegasan. Bukan aku tak pernah kena marah dengan Mr Fiancee, i did. Tapi bukan dengan cara makian la.

And with that, love u always Mohd Shaiful Hafizzi.

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